UpSkilling the business and management skills in the new era of digital disruption
11 Skills
Learning Agility
Change Management
Business Acumen
Platform Business Design
Digital Transformation
Organizational Transformation
Business Data Analytics
Emotional Marketing
Digital Marketing
Growth Hacking

Learn from the world's best

UpSkilling the ways you run businesses and leading team
Module 1: The new business arena and the new business models
Module 2: The new ways of managing businesses and organization
Module 3: The hyper personalization and the right mix of traditional and digital marketing
Module 4: Leading the team to 10x performance
Module 5: Running the seamless operations with the flawless executions
Module 6: Financial Management in the next normal world
Module 7: Managing Risk and Being Secured in the digital world

Focus on what really matters
Why/What 60% and How 40%
For those who new in the topics, let's start with Why and get to know the concept.
For those who familiar with the topics and would like to focus on building the skills can start at the "How"

Module 1: Dare to dream
Discover Me
MTP, Moonshot and OKRs
Learning How to Learn – 10X Learning

Module 2: The Foundation & The New Arena
Digital/Organizational Transformation
Platform Business Strategy and Model
Leading team across the new normal turbulence
The new/next normal leadership
10 things leaders must do
Leading change
Leading and embracing innovative culture
Deep Soft Skill
Understand Self & Team
Point Of You
Critical Thinking
Art of Communication